Объединенное сообщество психологического консультирования
Information letter from EAC

Information letter from EAC

Dear Colleague

A reminder that we would like to have your input into our next Newsletter.

Any articles or information which would be of interest to your colleagues around Europe would be great.

Our members are always interested and curious about counsellors and counselling in other countries.

Please send your content to us (in English), that would be very welcome. Do not worry if English is your second language, our Webmaster will edit your content for inclusion in the Newsletter.

Please also send us a short bio with your article and a photo if possible. (Unless you have already contributed lately, we will still have it on file). You can also include a link to your website, if you have one.

The deadline for our next Newsletter is  Friday 30th July 2021

It would also be interesting to know what topics you would like to see covered in future EAC Newsletters.

Kind regards


Brenda Dutch

Administrative Assistant

Email: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Website: https://eac.eu.com