Объединенное сообщество психологического консультирования
Help with the consequences of Covid 19

Help with the consequences of Covid 19

Dear colleagues,

The rapid spread of Covid 19 has produced one of the most severe short-term global challenges of our generation. Every aspect of our personal, social and professional lives has been affected, and often changed.

Globally, people were unprepared for the enormous impact on their mental, emotional and physical lives. There has been a range of responses especially affecting those who are psychologically vulnerable. Extreme anxiety, stress, fear, grief, isolation, dramatic changes to future lives are all examples. Some have responded by denying the impact, or even existence, of the virus.

PCE Europe, as an association of professionals, stands in solidarity with the rest of the scientific community. We accept our responsibility to assist both the mental and physical wellbeing of our clients.

Every European country has taken measures to reduce the spreading of the pandemic. We urge our members, and those they represent, to support the actions taken to prevent the spread of the virus.

As professionals, we are also a part of our local and European community. We have to confront our own difficulties and fears. Frequent individual, or group, supervision is a vital part of our wellbeing.

With a deep awareness of our responsibility to our clients, loved ones, communities and also ourselves, we Person-centered and Experiential practitioners, contribute to the overcoming of this crisis by standing empathically with all those affected.

PCE Europe Social Awareness Committee
PCE Europe Board